Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Activity 1: Famous Astonomers

Nicolas Copernico 19 – 2 - 1473 Heliocentric theory.
He created the that is an astronomical model.
Resultado de imagen de nicolás copérnico
Galileo 15 – 2 - 1564 The telescope and the new astronomy.Main contribution to astronomy was the use of the telescope .
Resultado de imagen de galileo
Newton 4 – 1 - 1643
The laws of celestial mechanical dynamics is a celestial mechanics.

Resultado de imagen de newton
Einstein 14 – 3 - 1879 Relativity and the nature of light.
Resultado de imagen de einstein
Stephen Hawking 8 – 1 - 1942 Black holes and the history of time. Resultado de imagen de Stephen Hawking


  1. General blog correction:
    - Blog description: "...We would love you discover new information.
    - Try to find a quote you understand, and add the author. Use the title "Quote" not phrase.
    - Check the astronomy links (use links form official astronomy organizations).
    - Organize the gadgets in a logical way
    - No photo related to astronomy

  2. Activity 1 correction:
    - Good. We’ll help you to find orthographic mistakes
